New Year's Eve: Worth it? Maybe, Maybe Not.

Happy Valentine's Day good people of the internet! Even though today is a holiday itself if you look back to a little over a month ago when we entered into 2019 people around the world celebrated a different holiday, New Year's Eve (did you like that ultra smooth transition away for the fact that I did not think to write about Valentine's day?). This has been a day that we have celebrated since the day Julius Ceaser said: "Yo, we've got a cool new calendar, lets party on the last day of the year", and party we did. People use December 31 as a day to end the current year on a bang and a way to look forward to the possibilities as they enter a new year. It's a fun excuse for people to hang out with their friend all night (or at least until midnight) and who doesn't love getting drunk on some random day of the week? Well, some don't think to watch a ball drop, drinking champagne and kissing that special someone as the clock strikes 12 is all that worth it. They might even say celebrating NYE is overrated, and because there seem to be differing opinions on what to do on the 365th (or 366th) day of the year, let's talk about it.

For all the people who really like NYE, I've seemed to boil it down to a few main reasons they do.
1. It's sooooo easy. There is no rule book on how NYE has to be done. You want to go out to a bar and wait for the ball in Times Square to drop, cool. You want to have a few friends over and play board games until midnight, rock on. Maybe a midnight snowball is your thing, sounds fun. The point is that you can do whatever you want with whoever you want (there are still realistic limits, but you get the point).
2. Its a night owls holiday. There aren't many holidays that let people enjoy the night hours of the day. Most other holidays are centered around brunch with the family, dinner at grandma's or maybe just a barbeque in the yard. What all other holidays have in common is that for the most part, they all end at a reasonable hour and you get to go home and sleep off your food baby. But what do you do if you are in your element after10:30? Well, that's where NYE comes in. It's the opportunity for all the people who love the night to end the holiday season in the middle of the night. So if the nocturnal life is for you I'd be willing to bet that you like celebrating the new year as early into the morning as possible.
3. Friends and family. New Year's Eve is a great time to get together with friends and just have a good time. It is a great excuse to call up that friend you haven't talked to in a while, who knows, maybe the new year will hold an opportunity to rekindle that friendship. I took a quick poll of my friends and the recurring theme was that people who liked NYE liked it because it gave them a chance to have fun with their friends and family one last time before the calendar needs to be changed.
Of my friends who said they enjoy New Year's Eve festivities, they all had different ways they celebrate the ending of an old and the start of a new year, but the thing that ties them together is that in their opinion New Year's Eve is a fun night to celebrate.

Now for the other side of this coin.
Just like the people who do like NYE, everything that I found for why people don't like the day is usually because of the following reasons.
1. It's expensive. Yes, I know what I said, "The point is that you can do whatever you want with whoever you want." Obviously, new year's celebration doesn't have to be expensive, but in the traditional sense of the day, the bill by the end of the night has the potential to be big. Think about it if you are going out you should probably use a ride share service (because you are not an irresponsible idiot). But on days like NYE Uber and his other friends inflate their prices because they know they can and that sucks on the old wallet. Then when you are at the restaurant/bar all the food and drinks you may get aren't going to be cheap either. I know what your thinking, "Noah, I'll stay home to avoid travel prices and just have friends over". You could do that, but then you will have to provide food and drink for your guests. And we all know food and drink aren't free.
2. Expectation vs. Reality. New Year's Eve seems to be one of those nights that is set up to almost magical. Between what we see on social media and in movies/TV NYE is "supposed" to be the grandest day of the year. But anyone with half a brain knows that life isn't perfect, not everyone is going to be kissed by their true love at midnight. For some NYE is just a reminder that they had a rough year and that it isn't going to get smoother because it's a new year.
3. Who cares! When you get down to brass tax, NYE is just a day that marks the end of the year. We don't make a big deal towards celebrating the start of summer even though that's a pretty cool day (longest day of the year woohoo). Just because I'm on winter break or I don't have to work the next day, why should I be expected to stay up late? I like my sleep.

I hope I brought a little light on to the opinions of New Year's Eve celebrations. Some people love them and some do not. There is no right way to spend the day, that's the beauty of it. With all the opinions out there you'd think everyone has one, but if you ask me I have Noahpinion.


  1. what an interesting writing style you have. I aspire to be you one day. -Mollie from Maya's math class written from her mom's secret blog


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